Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Holidays

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Healthy Holiday! May you be healthy, stress-free, and remember it is not all about giving or receiving gifts. The gift of love has no price, so remember all of your friends, family and let go of any bad feelings....just enjoy and smile:)



Monday, December 15, 2008

Ask a Health Maven- on Wellsphere

Hello Everyone!

Wellsphere has come up with something new for everyone to take advantage of, so please read on.

Recession Special: Free answers from doctors and expert patients who truly care

Wellsphere’s Health Mavens provide free answers to millions of health seekers

What is a Health Maven?

Health Maven is the term we use to describe the carefully-selected, knowledgeable, health and healthy living experts who volunteer their time to help support community members by answering their health questions and concerns. Health Mavens include doctors, nurses, psychologists, personal trainers and nutritionists, as well as patient experts and opinion leaders. Health Mavens are wonderful, caring people who are committed to helping others live healthier, happier lives.

How do I contact a Health Maven?

The easiest way to contact a Health Maven is to simply ask a question in the boxes labeled “Ask a Health Maven” (see right). Your question will be automatically sent to the Health Mavens with relevant experience and expertise. In addition, you can identify Health Mavens on Wellsphere anytime you see the Health Maven logo (Health Maven) on their articles, answers or profile pages.

So, check it out and get answers! Ask Here
The question and answer discussion page: Here

When people ask a question in a community, the question is then sent to the relevant Health Mavens, who use their experience and expertise to provide helpful answers.

1st Annual People's Health Bloggers Award

Hello Everyone,

This week Wellsphere has announced their 1st Annual People's Health Bloggers Award, a competition where I can be chosen by my readers to be the world's #1 Health Blogger.

I entered the competition today, so all voters (all Internet Users) can decide who is the best health blogger on-line. Wellsphere is allowing readers to vote for me right from my blog!

I have added my Vote for me Badge on the side bar and all my friends and fans can help me win by adding my personalized Vote for Me badge to their sites too (as long as you are not participating in the competition). So post my Vote for Me badge on your blog or website. You do not have to be a health blogger- any blog or website is a good platform to promote me and my blog.

Voting begins on December 15 and ends on January 15, 2009. They will announce the winner on January 19th. The most important thing is everyone checking out Wellsphere----where you can find lots of resources and help. So please take the time to check out Wellsphere.

I hope and pray you have a pain and fatigue free day!

Fibro Viv

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A reason to smile -Sugar Snap Pea Meme

Hello Everyone!

Thanks to my friend Eric I keep smiling. This man has a caring heart and travels a lot because of his job, so please keep him in your prayers. I had to copy and paste from his post, so I hope I did it right. LOL

Sugar Snap Pea Meme

sugar snap peas

Peas belong in the veggy family known as legumes. Yhese SUPA plants produce pods with enclosed seeds. Sugga Snaapees are protein-rich, low fat, nutritional additions to almost any meal. In fact only lima beans are a better vegetable source of protein than peas. To me, there is nothing better than a fresh pea stripped from a pod, boiled quickly and then tossed with some sweet butter and salt .... they are sweet ... tender and delicious ... and so very nutritious ... a willa dilla dishious .... sugga suuga snappi PEAS!!!!!!!!!

Ma ma ma ma Munch munch munch munch

sugga suuga snappi PEAS!

All We Are Saying...Is Give Peas a Chance! : from the Olga Traveling Bra Bloggy

she said .....

"Yesterday, I was Twittering with some bloggy pals about the my obsession with
SUGAR SNAP PEAS! Yes, those sweet, crunchy, little greens pods of healthy yumminess that frankly, I just can't get anough of!
I told Jaffer of
ManiaRavings that
"My dream is to convert EVERYONE from potato chips to
Sugar Snap Peas!"
And he said: "How about a Sugar-Snap meme?"
Me: "SNAP! start it! LOL!"
Him: "I think I may try my hand at this!"
And sure 'nuff...he did!
Here's Jaffer's
(please check it out)
And here's my contribution:
An Ode To Sugar Snap Peas
Oh how I love my Sugar Snap Peas
I eat them guiltless whenever I please
One after the other
Buy 'em by the bagful
and eat them raw
or dunk 'n dip 'em
You can't go wrong!
40 calories per cup and ZERO fat
Sugar Snap Peas are where it's at!
Protein, fiber and Vitamin C too
Sugar Snap Peas are like a dream come true!
So toss your junk food and take a hike
Crunch on peas while you ride a bike
Soon you'll be happier and healthier too
'Cuz Sugar Snap Peas are GOOD FOR YOU!
I tag
Drowsey, Speedy, Mimi - the Queen of Memes,
Claire, and The Reverend."

I tag Ann's A Nice Place in the Sun
Aunt Jackie
Auntie Dar
Beggars Shot Glass
Comedy Plus
Creative Treasures
CUBAPOML?? / Lauren
Daily Blessings
Daisy the Curly Cat!
Dancing with Daisy
Deep in the Forest
Depp Affect / by Jay
Drafters Calendar
Drowsey Monkey
Dust Bunny Hostage
Endangered Truth
Ev Nucci
Evolutionary Institute
Fibro Viv
Foster Me Up
Golf Boy
Golf Chick
Green Eyes Reflections
Health Nut Wanna Bee
Hillbilly Willie Arkansas
Holly's Never Neverland
Intrepid Ideas
Janice NW
Julies Blog
Just Love the People
KD's A Bit Squirrelly!
Lady Java
LIFE / Colin
Life is a Roller Coaster
Los LOBO man of Foil
Med Students Wife (ADIParadise)
Mighty Morgan
Mimi Lennox the Meme Queen
Miss Moneypenny CPU DD M (best rating)
Monday Morning Power
Nariceat L4
Natural Hawg Arkansas!
New England Lighthouses
No Direct On
Olga the Traveling Bra
Outta the Coop
Painted Veil
Pet Monologues
Pinoy World
Ponderings from the Pond
Pregnant with Cancer
Q Musings!
Random Content and More!
RennyBA Terella
Reveries Simply Jacy
Rolando's HushSpace
Rooms of My Heart - Trinity
Rusin Roundup
S.G.T.B.M. / Kathleen
Santa Claus Letters
Santas Link Love (blog of the day)
Sherry Gates
Smiling with Daisy
Speedcats Nekkid Page
Squeakers Sqeakin!!
Stacy's My Thoughts
Stupid Tom
Sugar Queens Dream
Terri Terri
The Rev
The Spirit Knows Best
Things by Mike
Top Cat Creations
Travel Golf
Waliz Diary
Wendster's Blog
Who's the Fairest
World Ethnic Sample CD's
World Golf Blogs
Writers Edge

I added a few people, but all of you are always in my prayers and thoughts.

I pray and hope this makes you smile and anyone in pain has a pain and fatigue free day.

Fibro Viv

Sunday, November 02, 2008

What is new?

Hello Everyone!

After reviewing my notes from the past, I know I am feeling better and in a better place. I am grateful to everyone that has been there for me. I remember the days I could not get out of bed, the fatigue and pain I felt every moment of my life. My pain and fatigue have decreased since 1998. I pray there are others that feel the same way. The key is to keep track of your pain, keep moving (yoga, stretch, exercise), and stay positive. I must keep practicing what I preach to everyone, especially the pacing. I want everyone to know that if we are willing to stick to a regime, we will feel better.

Take control of your health, ask questions, try new techniques and ideas on dealing with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. I am able to look back at my journals and I have improved! Yes, I still get tired, weak and require naps, but I feel better and stronger.

I have been kind of tired, but I actually walked to my girlfriend's house the other day. She had a deadline to meet and I wanted to borrow her car, so I walked to her house and borrowed her car. After my doctor visit, I went to the pharmacy and had my prescriptions filled. By the time I made it back home, it was kind of hot outside, so I waited a couple of hours prior to returning the car. When I returned the car, my friend offered to drive me home. I wanted to walk home just because I could, granted she only lives three quarters of a mile from me, but I was able to walk without pain. Oh Yeah! Can you tell I am proud of myself? I never thought I would be able to walk for any distance without fatigue and extreme pain.

One day at a time, Sweet Jesus, one day at a time, and so the song goes, I often sing because it makes me smile. I still get fatigued and have pain, but I am in control. As long as I keep a positive attitude and continue to motivate myself, I have better days. I have great days, good days, fair days, and bad days, but I have more good days than bad days. My newest challenge or adventure is trying to figure out why the back of my head (lower section) has a long indent and why I have been having frequent headaches. I went to see my Neurologist and he said the dent was not normal, so I am going to for an MRI on Tuesday. I am sure I will be fine, but my Neurologist has to figure what is going on with my brain and neck. The left side of my body has always been the weakest, and I have experienced some electrical shock like sensations on my left side, from the top of my head to the bottom of my toes. Neck pain is not new to me, but it has increased and is very annoying.

Update on my poor hubby. He is scheduled for surgery on November 11, 2008 for Cervical Spinal Fusion. We are praying the surgery will be a success and he will recover without pain. The long term goal is to watch him grow stronger. He has been very weak, falling down on occasion, and also suffering from his pulmonary disease (COPD). He has had to use a walker and can only stand for a short period of time. I hope and pray this surgery makes a difference and helps him feel stronger. Please pray for him. He has been my rock and continues to love me as I am, just as I love him. Please pray for him, he is a good person.

On another note, I need to generate some income, soon. Any suggestions? I do not have transportation or money to invest. I would have to work from home and the hours would be limited due to my physical condition. I want to work, but I am not ready to jump in and kill myself, setting myself up for failure. I will be selling my beanies on this site. So please check out my beanie list, buy lots of beanies, give them as gifts or keep them for yourself. Make an offer, I will take a job or sell you my beanies! God Bless

Enjoy the day, I pray and hope you have a fatigue and pain-free day.

Fibro Viv

Friday, October 24, 2008

People Helping People--Everyday Hero's

Hello Everyone,

It is with great pride and humility that I accept my newest badge from Wellsphere! Wellsphere has given a number of people this badge for taking the time to write about their own experience and sharing their knowledge with people around the world.

Wellsphere is a site that offers people a chance to take control of their health. You will find communities, resources, WellTools, etc. You can join and set your own goals or perhaps offer some knowledge, tools and help.

Please check out this site: Wellsphere

Here is a link to the video that shows a map of the world and people who have joined the community; offering knowledge, experience, and help. The main idea is to help each other take control of our health. We do care!


God Bless!

I hope and pray you have a fatigue and pain free day.

Fibro Viv

Friday, October 10, 2008

Why I have not posted lately

Hello My Friends,

I cannot believe I have not posted for over a month! I am so sorry. I have been busy with my hubby in the hospital again, poor baby. He is now scheduled for new tests, more doctor visits, etc.

My dog Palamino (Pal) has cut his side hip again! I had to take him to an emergency Vet. Clinic. This cost me $300.00 plus dollars I do not have!:( However, he is worth putting myself in the negative. This is the second time this has happened. Last month it was also over $300.00.

News on me....I went to see a Rheumy because my sed rate was high. Good news, I do not have arthritis. Bad news, I have to go see my PCP for follow-up routine exams because the doctor said my body was experiencing high stress levels. Gee, I wonder why? At any rate, I am in the process of trying to find an at home job. No sales because I suck at that!

If anyone has any suggestions, please write to me. I need money soon, honestly now:(

While all this is going on, I am diligently working on remaining positive. There are worst things, like death! Pray for us and my quest to find a job that pays daily.

I hope and pray you have a fatigue and pain free day:)

Fibro Viv

Sunday, September 14, 2008

What type of changes are necessary to feel better?

Hello Everyone,

I have had to change several things in my life since I became chronically ill. I have mentioned the need to change my life style, diet and taking supplement’s. I believe one way of taking control of your health is by making simple diet and supplement changes. I know I don't eat enough fruits and vegetables to get all the nutrients my body requires. Nutrients have to go through the stomach first before they can be absorbed into the blood stream which is why I like taking LiquiVida combined with herbs.

Herbs help relieve and heal some gastrointestinal tract issues. For instance, while Chamomile induces relaxation and has a calming effect, (helps with anti-anxiety) it also helps relieve minor GI symptoms such as nausea, gas and stomach cramps. I have read that it provides relief to irritated tissues in the nose, throat, and mouth, thereby helping those who experience acid reflux in the throat. Do not ingest a high dose of Chamomile and if you are allergic to daisies, you might have a reaction. Definitely DO NOT take it if you are pregnant! Read up more on any herb before ingesting it for drug interactions. Please take precautions at all times. What works for me, may not work for you.

Changes in my diet have enabled me to take control of acid reflux. Try the following suggestions:

* Cut down or eliminate caffeine, sweet, and fried foods. I noticed a considerable change when I stopped drinking any type of soda. I do like soda, so I treat myself to one every now and then. I also lost weight with that simple change.

* During meals reduce the amount of fluid you drink (it helps prevent the dilution of stomach acids). Drink water throughout the day. Water is filling and good for you.

* Try eating small meals throughout the day or at least try snacking on something before and after lunch. (This helps stabilize stomach acids).

* Do not lay down or sleep at least 2-3 hours after meals. Food tends to back up into your esophagus when you lie down after a meal. Keep in mind that when you lie down, acid can move up into the esophagus more easily, so wait at least two to three hours after you eat to lie down. It also helps if you elevate your head while in bed.

Try changing your diet by reducing items that might trigger acid reflux. Triggers include sodas, onions, tomatoes, citrus fruits, alcoholic drinks (for those who drink), and high fat foods. Try reintroducing these items to find out what triggers your acid reflux. Keep a food diary or just jot it down on your calendar and note down changes in your health.

Stress seems to always cause some type of problem. Believe it or not, stress may increase stomach acid production or keep acid in the stomach longer. It depends on how you react to stress or manage your stress. Do you eat comfort foods, smoke cigarettes, or drink alcohol? Fortunately, there are things you can do to manage stress and the acid reflux disease symptoms it can cause. Practice stress management on an ongoing basis. Try the following:

* Breathe deeply from your abdomen not your chest.
* Exercise, stretch to release tension on various parts of your body.
* Stay positive, remember everything has a positive side, even if it is just a lesson to be learned.
* Quit smoking if you do. I never smoked, so it was not an issue.

I hope and pray my own experience will help someone today. Please remember to do your research.

Fibro Viv

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Good Health should be your number one priority.

Hello Folks,

I am feeling much better and want to share my thoughts. Good health was never the first thing on my mind before I was stricken by all those odd symptoms. It was not a priority to speak of, and I took it for granted. Think about it the vast majority of our life includes goals such as taking care of family, working, paying bills, entertaining, etc. I only went to visit my PCP when my asthma acted up or I had a bad viral infection. I did not take advantage of my annual doctor visits, did you? I did go on diets and exercise when I had time or it became a priority.

Maybe I am the only one that did not make good health a priority. My lesson was to make good health a priority. Take care of those annual visits, watch what you eat and drink and please do not over work. In the end, you lose what you took for granted. Do you know what good health and leading a normal life means? I don’t remember anymore, do you? Now that I have to pace myself and remind myself to take it slow, follow my tips, keep up a journal, etc., I start to lead a normal life. Maybe that is what we were all missing . . . what should be done to have a normal life? We all do a great job of making sure our loved ones eat right, exercise and rest. Were we too busy to think about ourselves? I was.

Today is the day to think about yourself, make sure you follow a good health regime. It might take longer than usual because of our fatigue and pain. However, unless you start to make yourself stretch, move, eat right, drink right and pace yourself, you will only continue that battle of fighting chronic illness, never seeing the window of opportunity or the light of inspiration.

Do yourself a favor, better yet, remember that when you take care of yourself, you are able to take care of your family. If you are where I was when I first had all sorts of bad unexplained symptoms and could not move, DO NOT let this stop you. Take that first step and ask for help. I am here for you and there are others willing to help. It just takes a little time to read, research and ask questions. If you are overwhelmed, then write to me and ask me for help.

I hope and pray my thoughts have helped someone today,

Fibro Viv

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Improved Neck Pain

My last post noted my neck pain and the reason for it. Well, I took some much needed rest and feel better, still have a bit of pain trying to pop up now and then, but for the most part it is gone:)

Here is a list I created for myself:

- Start slow on my activity level, remember you just recovered from a flare-up.
- Time all activities, even if you feel like you can continue, stop and rest. Take it slow.
- I will not commit to more than I can handle.
- I will let others know what I can and cannot do.
- Be grateful for what you can do and remember to share your experience with others.

I hope and pray this information has helped someone today.

Fibro Viv

Friday, August 29, 2008

Do you suffer from neck pain? Do you know why?

When I first started getting sick and had all kinds of symptoms, my neck was in pain and my natural instinct was to hold the front of my neck with my left hand. The pressure I placed on it helped the pain. However, I found that massaging the top of my head helped relieve the pain. I figured out that when I did not get enough rest I would end up with neck pain.

Well, I have been experiencing it for a few days and decided to share my thoughts. I always tell people to listen to their body, and I should have done that when I started to feel fatigued. I feel so great and believe I can keep working while forgetting that I am chronically ill and require a certain amount of rest. Yes, it is great that we feel good, but we have to remember to "PACE."

I am thinking about posting signs on my refrigerator and bedroom door. Or maybe I will post a list of rules. What do you think? Any suggestions?

I hope someone will learn from my own experience how important it is to pace yourself. Slow down, even if you feel great.

Soft hugs and I pray and hope everyone has a pain and fatigue free day.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

B12 for the Brain and Central Nervous System

I have been spending time organizing my medications and vitamins. I figured this was a good time to mention the importance of vitamin B12. Previous research indicated B12 and folic acid, another B vitamin helps maintain our brain and might help fend off Alzheimer's disease.

The lack of B12 could diminish cognitive function, so make sure you are eating properly and if you are a vegan, consider sublingual B12 supplements. Try to remember that older people have trouble absorbing B12.

B12 can be found in oysters and other mollusks, fish, meat, eggs and milk. You can take sublingual B12 supplements which dissolve under the tongue for better absorption. There are other factors to consider, people who don't make enough stomach acid or intrinsic factor become anemic and need to have B12 shots or large amounts of vitamin B12 as pills or tablets. I remember my PCP offered me B12 injections. They can be expensive which is why I decided to change my diet and take B12 supplements.

Lastly, researchers found that people with depression responded better to anti-depressants if they had higher blood levels of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is also important for our metabolism and central nervous system.

I hope and pray this information has helped someone today.

Fibro Viv

Thursday, July 24, 2008

What is a healthy healing in refection?

Hello Everyone,

Today I found an interesting question on one of my community sites. Here is what was asked:
In your opinion or basing from your experiences, what is healthy healing in reflection? I found myself thinking about the question and decided to share my answer on my site as well as on

In my point of view, the following technique is a good way to reflect in a healthy way:

- an individual must first decide to choose a specific time to reflect,
- be specific about what you want to focus on,
- think about one challenge (issue) at a time,
- determine what you want and decide if it is realistic,
- be open and non-judgmental,
- realize the answer to your questions or issues may require sharing your feelings with another individual,
- if you have a difficult time expressing your feelings with another individual, write them down on paper,
- if you shared your feelings with someone, reaffirm your respect for their opinion and end on a positive tone.

This technique or strategies enables an individual to establish an atmosphere of cooperative problem-solving and/or reflection.

I hope and pray this post has helped someone today.

Fibro Viv

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Dropping a Note to Say Hello

Hello My Dear Readers,

I have been very busy with my dear husband chronically ill with COPD. He has been in and out of the hospital and this last visit was from May 30, 2008, then transferring to another extended care hospital until yesterday. Thank you for your prayers and notes. It has been very touching and more importantly helpful. As I have always said, "People need some type of support, even if it is from strangers." Thank you and God Bless You All!:) He is doing good for now and I pray he will continue to do so.

On another note, I have not been practicing my own tips...such as "PACING", it is so important to pace and take time out for yourself. If you do not take care of yourself, you cannot help others. Please remember that. I have already slapped myself on the hand for not slowing down. I am going back to therapy.

One thing I always do is stay positive because that helps me survive every new challenge in my life. I feel stronger and better as a person each time I take time to pray, meditate, and most importantly forgiving myself for not being able to do everything perfectly. Small reminders from my youngest sister on saying no, plus not placing so much pressure on myself has helped me. I thank my God for my family, friends, other people that suffer from chronic illness, doctor's, etc.

Take care and know that I want to continue posting, I have just been slowed down for awhile. Do not give up on me and please continue to read old tips, notes, etc.

I pray and hope you have a pain free day,

Fibro Viv

Monday, May 05, 2008

Just a note-found a site on "Disability"

Hello Everyone,

I am sorry I have not written anything lately. However, I was notified about a blog site that offers information on disability and the site includes questions and answers on Social Security SSI Questions and Answers. I hope this site helps you! Just click check out my blogroll list.

I was just asked about the site, sorry for not adding a link. Here it is: Disabled Not Mislabeled

Here is another disability blog site: My Disability Blog

Thank you for asking about the site Cheryl:)

Soft hugs and God Bless!

Fibro Viv

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Are you Credible?

Hello Everyone,

I have not posted for awhile. I thought I would just write a few words about credibility. I started off with my title: Are you Credible?

Credibility makes or breaks an individual. You must be honest and upfront about everything in your life. I have tried to be honest with my viewers to help them understand how difficult it is to deal with a chronic illness. This is why I share my own experience, tools, and information.

In order to start feeling good about yourself you have to learn to be honest and upfront about your illness. I know some people have had to deal with criticism, judgment and sometime even loose their jobs. In the end those that are judging them will have to deal with their actions.

It is difficult to accept we are ill, but we cannot start the healing process until we are honest about how we feel. Yes, I have heard many woman state their spouse is not listening or yells at them. Try the following:

1. Go get brochures about your illness and place it in front of them, tell them to read them.

2. Ask them, why were we married? I am suffering from an illness that many people do not understand, please take the time to try and understand what I am dealing with. If my own family does not support me, what am I to do?

3. Do not get angry, sincerity and openness while informing them lays out a solid foundation of credibility.
If your own family does not believe you, seek out friends, doctors, etc.

4. Do not make any promises you cannot keep. If you cannot do the laundry, clean the house, etc., then just let them know. Eventually they will understand and hopefully they will start helping you out.

I just want people to understand that the healing process starts with you acknowledging your illness and sharing that information with your loved ones.

I hope and pray this post has helped someone today.

Fibro Viv

Monday, February 18, 2008

Cheer You Up Award

Hello Everyone!

I just started to look at some sites and noticed I was awarded the You Cheer Me Up Award! Wow!!!

I know there are many bloggers' that make people laugh, write comforting information, and inspire us to continue on our quest to help people. I know I will miss some people, and for that I want to send my sincere apologies.

An honorable mention to the individual who started this award:

A Nice Place In The Sun



Facibus On Blogging

Speedcat Hollydale

Love is a Four-Legged Word


My Passion for Fashion!

Battling For Health

Revellian Dot Com


Snoskred's Blogroll | Snoskred - Life in the Country

terri terri quite contrary - Delightfully Demented Musings

Fighting Fatigue

Make Money Online with Rhyan

The ICI Experience

Sephy's Platzish

I just know I have missed so many, but I am late in doing this and a bit worn out. I just happen to notice I receive this award.

Pass the award to the bloggers you have an opportunity to thank for cheering you up. Here are the rules or instructions:

If you are a recipient of the You Cheer Me Up Award, please find the blogs that cheer you up, copy the code to post on your sidebar and pass Ethel and Lucy across the blogsphere. In order to do this you must go pickup the code for the award picture and leave a comment on the award post so they can add you to the list of award recipients.

Go to :
A Nice Place In The Sun.

God Bless Everyone and soft hugs to those in pain

Fibro Viv

Friday, February 08, 2008

Hello Everyone!

Sorry I've been away, I have been dealing with the flu and when you have fms/cfs, the symptoms are a million times worse! You know what I mean. My husband had to find a ride home from the hospital, just to find me at home curled up in pain, running a fever, etc. Poor baby. He was still having difficulty breathing and he had to deal with taking care of me. I just came back to life today! Mind you, I am still in pain, dealing with fever, aches, you know the rest.

The fact is I have been running on adrenalin! I had just finished babysitting my nephew, then my twin grandchildren, then I took my youngest son to Best Buy and before you knew it, I had to run home and change. You can imagine why??? Then, I took a bath, got dressed and went back to pick him up and returned home just on time to hit that ladies room. That was close!! Then my oldest son came home sick, poor baby.

The good news is, I continue to loose weight! You see....something positive always happens.:) I guess I am not posting anything helpful today...just updating you and letting you know I am not giving up. However, I may have to quit this blogging for a few months:(

Please continue to review old tips and my experience. I honestly believe it will help you gals and guys that suffer from chronic illnesses. You are not alone. Keep the faith and know that things can only get better. Really:)

Let's see...good news is I no longer have high blood pressure, I have lost weight, I am more active (exception, this week), and we have a new member in our family. Her name is Nadia. My oldest son had to have his own dog, so we gave in. I will have to take a picture of her, she is truly sweet and potty trained!:) So, you see, I have a reason to smile:)

I wish you no pain, send you soft hugs, a smile and God's Blessings:)

Fibro Viv

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Consequence of Chronic Stress

Hello Everyone,

I feel the need to take the time to post something today because I believe it is very important to keep this information on hand and remind yourself at least twice a month. Place it where you know you will see it and remind yourself about the consequence of chronic stress.

The Consequence of Chronic Stress

Chronic stress weakens our immune system and increases the risk of coming down with a range of illnesses. This could be heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, among other illnesses. If you are already dealing with a chronic illness, you must try not to stress out. I know it is easier said than done, based on my own experience. Stress can be toxic, if you let it take over.

What can stress drive people to do? A person can eat too much or too little, sleep too much or too little, stop exercise or stretching routines, and can also cause an individual to not have any fun in their lives.

Some stress is necessary to survive because just a little stress can help an individual get focused, improve memory and heighten their emotions. Stress responses within an individual causes them to swing into action or better yet, react in a way that can help. The key is to find the balance and understand the need, but not to make it toxic.

As I think about my life within the past few months, I have had family illnesses, hospital trips, doctor and pharmacy visits that were necessary and I had stress. I was dealing with trying to keep my family healthy, laundry, housekeeping, cooking and not to mention the cost of all the medical requirements within my own home. Yes, this has caused me to stress.

How have I dealt with it? I accepted what was happening without question, and just tried to complete each task as it came up. If I allowed my emotions to get out of control, my stress could become toxic and my pain would increase. Somehow, God gave me the strength I needed to deal with everything I needed to do.

I could start feeling guilty about not posting on my sites, but then I practiced self-talk and told myself everything would work out. I have come to the conclusion that I cannot be everything to everyone, and be there for everyone. I am in control of my own feelings and thoughts and I must only allow good thoughts to take over my emotions.

I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, mother-in-law, aunt, grandmother, and friend. However, I know I cannot be there for all of them. I have my limitations and I must understand them and accept them.

I pray this post and my own personal experience has helped someone today.

Fibro Viv