Thursday, January 04, 2007

Try a variety of strategies to help your condition

Taking an active role in learning about your illness may help you find benefits from different treatment options/programs that include some of these strategies:

  • Moderate exercise
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Stress management
  • Visualization
  • Stretching
  • Yoga
  • Healthy eating
  • Massage
  • Use of medications to manage specific problems such as sleep, pain and psychological disturbances,
  • Use of organic products to replace your traditional medications.
When possible I have tried all of the above strategies. Sometimes our own lack of or poor health insurance keeps us from trying some of these treatments.

Massages, medications, doctor visits, therapy and even some organic products are not cheap. Prior to losing my job I was able to take medical leave and had health coverage that allowed me to participate in a Rehabilitation Program offered in our city. Unfortunately, not all the program was covered, so I only have information on what I was able to participate in. I will share this information with you as quickly as possible on my posts. Please check my blog daily.

I will also research old notes when I visited various websites that offered free information when I was trying to figure out what was going on with my body, the aches, cramps, cognitive issues, pains, etc.

Since I had been with my PCP for so long and only suffered from asthma and the occasional flu, colds, etc., he knew I was not a hypochondriac. When I came to him with all of these symptoms, he started to try to eliminate one at a time. It was a long process. My PCP was also trying new and different medications. As many of you know, medications affect people differently. We can all share what we have tried and our experience with the different strategies and treatments.

My mission is to share this with as many people as possible, please share your experiences with us all.

I pray and hope that this post has helped someone today.

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