Hello Everyone!
How are you feeling today? These days I am feeling like I have the necessary emotional qualities to deal with stress, risk, and other physical and emotional difficulties. Spending time with family and friends leads to feeling tolerant of my fatigue and pain. One of the many ways of dealing with an illness is to get lost in the fantasy of our hopes and dreams by taking risks, allowing yourself to remain flexible and open to new adventures, and finding balance in your life.
Do yourself a favor and try something new, do something different, go out and have some fun. Allow yourself time to enjoy life and the people around you. The people in our lives are blessings God has given us. Spend some quality time with your family and friends. Time away from the reality of our daily tasks, chores, and responsibilities initiates a release of mental and physical tension and stress. Allow yourself to be freed from prejudice and receptive to new ideas. There are many ways of dealing with stress and daily responsibilities. Every now and then, we deserve a break. Take one today!
I hope and pray you had a pain and fatigue free day!

Allow yourself to share your experience with this invisible illness and help yourself and others too. Share your tools, how you deal with everyday life, and gain access to information on Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome and Fibromyalgia (CFIDS/FMS). My mission is to empower patients to take control of their health by providing my own story and experience with treatment information, quality health products, community, and advocacy.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Where did I place that item?
Hello Everyone,
I hope everyone is feeling great today! I met a nice woman yesterday that shared a story about lost items. When I cannot find my eyeglasses, I ask my hubby for help. We run around looking for them like chickens with their heads cut off. Then I eventually reach for the top of head and find them! Funny! The woman I met has me beat, here is her story:
(Real name withheld to protect the innocent). Mel was looking frantically searching for her cell phone and decided to retrace her steps. She had gone to the grocery store, the drug store, and her last destination was her daughter’s home. She proceeded to call the grocery store, drug store, and finally called her daughter. She asked her daughter to look around the living room and dining area, her daughter's response "Mom, you are calling me from your cell phone number." This is too funny.
The next time you feel silly for misplacing an item, remember Mel’s cell phone incident! I hope this story brought a smile to your face
Meanwhile, I hope and pray you had a fatigue and pain free day.
I hope everyone is feeling great today! I met a nice woman yesterday that shared a story about lost items. When I cannot find my eyeglasses, I ask my hubby for help. We run around looking for them like chickens with their heads cut off. Then I eventually reach for the top of head and find them! Funny! The woman I met has me beat, here is her story:
(Real name withheld to protect the innocent). Mel was looking frantically searching for her cell phone and decided to retrace her steps. She had gone to the grocery store, the drug store, and her last destination was her daughter’s home. She proceeded to call the grocery store, drug store, and finally called her daughter. She asked her daughter to look around the living room and dining area, her daughter's response "Mom, you are calling me from your cell phone number." This is too funny.
The next time you feel silly for misplacing an item, remember Mel’s cell phone incident! I hope this story brought a smile to your face
Meanwhile, I hope and pray you had a fatigue and pain free day.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Multiple Sclerosis
Hello Everyone,
Do you or anyone in your life suffer from Multiple Sclerosis? I have a special friend living in Arizona who deals with Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms. Managing the symptoms can be very difficult but can greatly improve the quality of life. The fatigue, spasticity, weakness, pain, along with various other symptoms can be overwhelming.
One of the most disabling symptoms is fatigue. Living with chronic fatigue is tiring and the lack of energy affects the muscles making it difficult to feel rested. Neuromuscular fatigue is one of many types of fatigue an individual with MS experiences. Lassitude is a type of fatigue that in essence means an individual feels exhausted, slow to move, and lethargic. Acknowledging the different types of fatigue caused by the disease and the need for help and treatment involves learning how to deal with one of many symptoms experienced on a daily basis.
I have a deep sense of admiration for people dealing with MS. These patients must learn to use practical coping techniques so they can accept and manage changes and adjustments experienced within employment status, increased independence along with physical challenges and condition.
Clinical trials have shown that proper exercise can increase fitness and reduce fatigue. A Physical Therapist or a Physician can develop the proper Multiple Sclerosis Exercise. However, just like fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue patients, exercising to the point of pain means fatigue and increased weakness! Patients must PACE themselves and follow the proper type, duration, frequency, and intensity as prescribed by a physsicical therapist or physician.
Do you or anyone in your life suffer from Multiple Sclerosis? I have a special friend living in Arizona who deals with Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms. Managing the symptoms can be very difficult but can greatly improve the quality of life. The fatigue, spasticity, weakness, pain, along with various other symptoms can be overwhelming.
One of the most disabling symptoms is fatigue. Living with chronic fatigue is tiring and the lack of energy affects the muscles making it difficult to feel rested. Neuromuscular fatigue is one of many types of fatigue an individual with MS experiences. Lassitude is a type of fatigue that in essence means an individual feels exhausted, slow to move, and lethargic. Acknowledging the different types of fatigue caused by the disease and the need for help and treatment involves learning how to deal with one of many symptoms experienced on a daily basis.
I have a deep sense of admiration for people dealing with MS. These patients must learn to use practical coping techniques so they can accept and manage changes and adjustments experienced within employment status, increased independence along with physical challenges and condition.
Clinical trials have shown that proper exercise can increase fitness and reduce fatigue. A Physical Therapist or a Physician can develop the proper Multiple Sclerosis Exercise. However, just like fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue patients, exercising to the point of pain means fatigue and increased weakness! Patients must PACE themselves and follow the proper type, duration, frequency, and intensity as prescribed by a physsicical therapist or physician.
As to following a specific Multiple Sclerosis Diet, there are no conclusive scientific studies proving any kind of nutritional therapy affects the course of MS. You can find information about multiple sclerosis on Multiple Sclerosis News at http://www.allaboutms.com. The site offers information about basic nutrition, symptoms, practicing a healthy lifestyle, and individual and family challenges encountered on a daily basis.
I hope and pray God continues to give anyone suffering from MS the patience and strength required to live with MS.
Praying and wishing everyone a fatigue and pain free day!
I hope and pray God continues to give anyone suffering from MS the patience and strength required to live with MS.
Praying and wishing everyone a fatigue and pain free day!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Thanks Everyone
Hi Everyone,
I would like to thank everyone for stopping by and taking time out of your day to read my posts. I enjoy stopping by other sites, researching, reviewing and reading other sites. There is always something new to learn.
On another note, I have been exercising with my younger sister. It is my humble opinion that any exercise activity beyond stretching softly, easy yoga moves and a small amount of quick steps is the extent of exercise acceptable for any individual with my health challenges. I do not feel better or stronger after extreme or harsh exercises. I have to pace, complete soft stretches, yoga, and only work on completing short step exercises. For those individuals that believe additional exercise will strengthen chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia patients.....they are crazy!
I do feel better after I have completed soft stretches, simple yoga moves, and a few step exercise routines. If I overdo, forget it! The rest of my week is ruined. As a child and teenager I could not complete long harsh exercises because I felt worse. I was a band member in high school and always exhausted after practice. I could not figure out why some people felt better than I did or why I hated physical activity. It was because it was exhausting.
Anyway, I am trying to loose a few pounds and enjoying my time with my younger sis. We are not overdoing. She would have to carry me to the car and drive me home after our routine exercise program!
Tip of the day: Only complete soft stretching, easy and slow yoga moves and pace yourself. I hope and pray you had a pain and fatigue free day.
I would like to thank everyone for stopping by and taking time out of your day to read my posts. I enjoy stopping by other sites, researching, reviewing and reading other sites. There is always something new to learn.
On another note, I have been exercising with my younger sister. It is my humble opinion that any exercise activity beyond stretching softly, easy yoga moves and a small amount of quick steps is the extent of exercise acceptable for any individual with my health challenges. I do not feel better or stronger after extreme or harsh exercises. I have to pace, complete soft stretches, yoga, and only work on completing short step exercises. For those individuals that believe additional exercise will strengthen chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia patients.....they are crazy!
I do feel better after I have completed soft stretches, simple yoga moves, and a few step exercise routines. If I overdo, forget it! The rest of my week is ruined. As a child and teenager I could not complete long harsh exercises because I felt worse. I was a band member in high school and always exhausted after practice. I could not figure out why some people felt better than I did or why I hated physical activity. It was because it was exhausting.
Anyway, I am trying to loose a few pounds and enjoying my time with my younger sis. We are not overdoing. She would have to carry me to the car and drive me home after our routine exercise program!
Tip of the day: Only complete soft stretching, easy and slow yoga moves and pace yourself. I hope and pray you had a pain and fatigue free day.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Gaining Strength One Day at a Time!
Hello Everyone!
I am sorry I have not posted since July! I am getting stronger and feeling better. I was able to check out a couple of stores today, Steinmart, Kohls, and Walmart. I was beat after Walmart because the last stop was actual grocery shopping. No fun. Grocery shopping is not my cup of tea.
I started of at Steinmart finding the coolest ring (pearl and silver bead shaker. ring), two pairs of sandals (7.94 a pair- on clearance!), and a blouse. The shaker ring is silly, cheap, and fun. Allow yourself silly thoughts, buys, finds, etc....it keeps you smiling:) Jerry found five blouses at Kohls (they cost anywhere from $4.00 to 8.00). Three of them were nicely decorated t-shirts and two were dressy blouses. They were having a 70% off sale! This is my kind of shopping.
My oldest son gifted money with rules: (I listened and enjoyed!)
Do not use the money on bills,
Spend the money on yourself and buy something that makes you smile,
Be kind to yourself and enjoy spending the money on yourself.
My birthday is tomorrow and I am already having a great Friday the13th! I love having birthday's on Friday the 13th because they tend to turn out great.
After my shopping spree I came home and took a nice long nap. Tomorrow I am scheduled to visit my PCP. I think I have thyroid problems based on the symptoms I am experiencing. I will keep everyone updated. Please do not ignore any new symptoms you may be experiencing.
Today's lesson includes taking time out for yourself, splurging on occasion, pacing, resting, and paying attention to new symptoms.
I hope and pray you enjoy your day, pace yourself, rest, listen to your body, and splurge or do something goofy! Do whatever it takes to laugh, smile, love, and share your heart and experience with someone. Write to me and let me know what you are up to. I would love to hear about your day!
Soft hugs and warm wishes from Viv:)
I am sorry I have not posted since July! I am getting stronger and feeling better. I was able to check out a couple of stores today, Steinmart, Kohls, and Walmart. I was beat after Walmart because the last stop was actual grocery shopping. No fun. Grocery shopping is not my cup of tea.
I started of at Steinmart finding the coolest ring (pearl and silver bead shaker. ring), two pairs of sandals (7.94 a pair- on clearance!), and a blouse. The shaker ring is silly, cheap, and fun. Allow yourself silly thoughts, buys, finds, etc....it keeps you smiling:) Jerry found five blouses at Kohls (they cost anywhere from $4.00 to 8.00). Three of them were nicely decorated t-shirts and two were dressy blouses. They were having a 70% off sale! This is my kind of shopping.
My oldest son gifted money with rules: (I listened and enjoyed!)
Do not use the money on bills,
Spend the money on yourself and buy something that makes you smile,
Be kind to yourself and enjoy spending the money on yourself.
My birthday is tomorrow and I am already having a great Friday the13th! I love having birthday's on Friday the 13th because they tend to turn out great.
After my shopping spree I came home and took a nice long nap. Tomorrow I am scheduled to visit my PCP. I think I have thyroid problems based on the symptoms I am experiencing. I will keep everyone updated. Please do not ignore any new symptoms you may be experiencing.
Today's lesson includes taking time out for yourself, splurging on occasion, pacing, resting, and paying attention to new symptoms.
I hope and pray you enjoy your day, pace yourself, rest, listen to your body, and splurge or do something goofy! Do whatever it takes to laugh, smile, love, and share your heart and experience with someone. Write to me and let me know what you are up to. I would love to hear about your day!
Soft hugs and warm wishes from Viv:)
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Making it One Day at a Time
Hello Everyone,
It seems these days I feel like I am making it one day at a time. It is a constant struggle to stay motivated with the extreme fatigue I am experiencing. I lost my purse and that seemed to get me down. I am simply concerned about my medication and the possibility of someone else using it.
I believe I am having some thyroid issues therefore, I have requested an appointment with my PCP.I am also scheduled to visit my pain management doctor.
The house chores are weighing me down. Cooking and cleaning seems harder these days and it is taking longer to complete chores. This gets overwhelming and depressing.
I think it is time to go visit my beautiful grandchildren. The twins are so happy, full of love and enjoy life. When you are a child and have wonderful parents who love and nurture you, it is easy to enjoy life and make others around you feel loved. They remind you to smile, laugh, love, and share positive emotions.
Anyway, my plan is to remind myself of the following to help me get motivated and continue on my daily journey of living life to the fullest:
* Discovering your inner peace - is the process of creative goals and visions, making them a reality.
* Realizing what, when, and where, then determine the steps required to start managing and achieving those goals...one step at a time.
* Keep an open mind and be receptive to new ideas.
* Be realistic and let yourself feel joy.
As I meditate, I must clear my mind, breathe deeply, give myself a break, accept my shortcomings, pace myself, and remain receptive to new ideas on how to complete simple chores one day at a time. Wish me luck!
I hope and pray my daily experiences encourage you to accept yourself, pace yourself, and set realistic goals. Spend time with people that encourage love, laughter, and joy.
It seems these days I feel like I am making it one day at a time. It is a constant struggle to stay motivated with the extreme fatigue I am experiencing. I lost my purse and that seemed to get me down. I am simply concerned about my medication and the possibility of someone else using it.
I believe I am having some thyroid issues therefore, I have requested an appointment with my PCP.I am also scheduled to visit my pain management doctor.
The house chores are weighing me down. Cooking and cleaning seems harder these days and it is taking longer to complete chores. This gets overwhelming and depressing.
I think it is time to go visit my beautiful grandchildren. The twins are so happy, full of love and enjoy life. When you are a child and have wonderful parents who love and nurture you, it is easy to enjoy life and make others around you feel loved. They remind you to smile, laugh, love, and share positive emotions.
Anyway, my plan is to remind myself of the following to help me get motivated and continue on my daily journey of living life to the fullest:
* Discovering your inner peace - is the process of creative goals and visions, making them a reality.
* Realizing what, when, and where, then determine the steps required to start managing and achieving those goals...one step at a time.
* Keep an open mind and be receptive to new ideas.
* Be realistic and let yourself feel joy.
As I meditate, I must clear my mind, breathe deeply, give myself a break, accept my shortcomings, pace myself, and remain receptive to new ideas on how to complete simple chores one day at a time. Wish me luck!
I hope and pray my daily experiences encourage you to accept yourself, pace yourself, and set realistic goals. Spend time with people that encourage love, laughter, and joy.
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