Friday, February 19, 2010

Share your thoughts with me

Hello Everyone,

There are so many good people in this world willing to share their experience and knowledge. I want to thank all of my fellow Internet friends for taking time out of their precious day, reading, and commenting on my posts.

I am feeling stronger and have been thinking about how blessed I am to have family and friends that bring such joy to my life. There have been so many different activities in my life demanding my attention along with everyday challenges piling up. Those chores and tasks can wait. I enjoy spending time with my family doing simple things, like playing board games or watching a television series or movie. Visiting with my Mom and spending time listening to her life experiences brings joy and sorrow to my life, the joy of learning from her experience and the sorrow of hearing about what a tough life she had as an orphan. I am forever delighted with her strength, love, compassion, hope, and faith. Her sense of humor is dry and sometimes unexpected, especially during challenging times in her life. Do you have someone special in your life?

When I lost my ability to work for a living I felt short changed. By the grace of God and with the assistance of my family, I have come to appreciate my blessings and accept myself. These difficult emotions pass with time and patience. They do creep up every now and then.

Has anyone ever had problems with acceptance when change occurs? How have you dealt with it? I would love to hear about your experiences, please share.

I hope and pray everyone has a blessed day filled with hope and faith.


Baker said...

My lessons come in not so much in accpeting change, but in accepting change that leads to success. Honestly, I get a little bit uncomfortable for whatever reason when I begin to succeed at something very well. It really does become a matter of perspective though from my experience. It's a learning process for me, not to fear success. Excellent post.

Dominique said...

I use to be good at and enjoy accepting change but not anymore.

I made the decision today to start purchasing my groceries at a local organic co-op and I can already feel the anxiety rising.

It's so hard for me to step out of my 'orchestrated life' that when I have to do it, it become very overwhelming.

I have learned to take it very slow and leave it for another day if I have to. Often breaking it up into small pieces helps as well.

I am really glad that you are doing so much better! That does my heart good!

Fibro Viv said...

Hello Baker,

So do you think that my illness and the changes I have had to make might be a open door to finding success?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Fibro Viv said...

Hello Dominique,

Change is hard when you are used to an active life style. CFIDS/FMS has a way of reminding us to take it slow.

Is the anxiety due to the number of people at the store or just the idea of getting out?

Small steps is good. I remember not being able to hold my head up in bed, let alone my body. Things have improved, thank goodness.

ayo said...

hi fibro viv,
how are you today?
can i start by saying you are an inspiration.
you also have the answer to the question you asked.'do you think that my illness and the changes I have had to make might be a open door to finding success?'
you've accepted certain changes to your life BUT you are making the best use of the opportunities ahead of you. You write lovely posts,you've got friends and family, and you definitely work hard (because it shows in the number of posts you've written). I dont think you would have any issues.
Keep being grateful, thankful and just work hard at your blog, read up a few things if you can/has the time you will be fine.
i can go on and on but....(i am trully inspired reading your blog and comments)
changes occur either for positive or negative reasons. we can bring about productivity,joy, success, happiness from the changes we experience. You decide
take care

timethief said...

Hello there,
Yes I struggled to reach the point of acceptance but I did reach it. And when I did I took up blogging for as they say when a door closes a window opens.

Maybe you aren't aware of this by the comment by anonymous is spam that circulates throughout the internet. here in Canada we saw a documentary that exposed the whole acai berry hype and scam to us last year.

Fibro Viv said...

Hello Ayo,

I like that name! Thanks for stopping by and for your comments. Your words made me feel like I am doing the right thing. I love posting and reading about other people. That in itself is a great blessing.

God Bless

Fibro Viv said...

Hello timethief,

I appreciate the information on the Acai Berries. It is so sad people feel the need to spam. I hope God helps them find a better way to spend their time.

I hope you are feeling good these days. Sending soft hugs:)

Diane J Standiford said...

LOL, looks like some spammers have a hard time accepting how boring they are. Anyway, my mother used to say, "If wishes were fishes, beggars would eat." I miss my job. I loved it. But I quickly sought out ways to fill up the hole it left. Started with writing, blogging, making blog friends, I couldn't sit up to play cards anymore, so I played on line...not sure what I would have done 40yrs ago. But the Internet has so many possibilities. I try to advocate for people with disabilities, just like I did through my job. I miss playing basketball, WALKING, driving, seeing plays (ACTING), seeing movies at a theatre, but I don't dwell on it. I am so lucky to have the love of my life by my side, friends galore in the retirement/assisted living home (a BIG move, but one I prepared for); I have always felt that I was on my own and built a strong recovery mechanism early on. I watched my mother let her life stop when my father left the day I was born, and I swore to never go that way. Life is too short. My partner is struggling with losing her job. People are different. Advice? Make a list of all you can contribute to life. Then begin! If you fail, who cares? Best things ever, started with failure. If you love Tv, games, get into it and be proud. Don't feel judged. Only YOU can make you happy. A life with love and laughter is all that matters. You are not Atlas. You are Viv and I like Viv a lot!

Huzaifa said...

Hey hope you are doing good and your health is sound now. be blessed

Fibro Viv said...

Hi Diane,

Yes, I am sorry I did not catch those bad comments before. I have deleted them.

Thanks for sharing your experience and thoughts. I hope your partner is able to find a job. My prayers and thoughts are with both of you.

Take care,


Fibro Viv said...

Hello Huzaifa,

Thanks for stopping by, I hope things are going well for you too.
