Sunday, September 14, 2008

What type of changes are necessary to feel better?

Hello Everyone,

I have had to change several things in my life since I became chronically ill. I have mentioned the need to change my life style, diet and taking supplement’s. I believe one way of taking control of your health is by making simple diet and supplement changes. I know I don't eat enough fruits and vegetables to get all the nutrients my body requires. Nutrients have to go through the stomach first before they can be absorbed into the blood stream which is why I like taking LiquiVida combined with herbs.

Herbs help relieve and heal some gastrointestinal tract issues. For instance, while Chamomile induces relaxation and has a calming effect, (helps with anti-anxiety) it also helps relieve minor GI symptoms such as nausea, gas and stomach cramps. I have read that it provides relief to irritated tissues in the nose, throat, and mouth, thereby helping those who experience acid reflux in the throat. Do not ingest a high dose of Chamomile and if you are allergic to daisies, you might have a reaction. Definitely DO NOT take it if you are pregnant! Read up more on any herb before ingesting it for drug interactions. Please take precautions at all times. What works for me, may not work for you.

Changes in my diet have enabled me to take control of acid reflux. Try the following suggestions:

* Cut down or eliminate caffeine, sweet, and fried foods. I noticed a considerable change when I stopped drinking any type of soda. I do like soda, so I treat myself to one every now and then. I also lost weight with that simple change.

* During meals reduce the amount of fluid you drink (it helps prevent the dilution of stomach acids). Drink water throughout the day. Water is filling and good for you.

* Try eating small meals throughout the day or at least try snacking on something before and after lunch. (This helps stabilize stomach acids).

* Do not lay down or sleep at least 2-3 hours after meals. Food tends to back up into your esophagus when you lie down after a meal. Keep in mind that when you lie down, acid can move up into the esophagus more easily, so wait at least two to three hours after you eat to lie down. It also helps if you elevate your head while in bed.

Try changing your diet by reducing items that might trigger acid reflux. Triggers include sodas, onions, tomatoes, citrus fruits, alcoholic drinks (for those who drink), and high fat foods. Try reintroducing these items to find out what triggers your acid reflux. Keep a food diary or just jot it down on your calendar and note down changes in your health.

Stress seems to always cause some type of problem. Believe it or not, stress may increase stomach acid production or keep acid in the stomach longer. It depends on how you react to stress or manage your stress. Do you eat comfort foods, smoke cigarettes, or drink alcohol? Fortunately, there are things you can do to manage stress and the acid reflux disease symptoms it can cause. Practice stress management on an ongoing basis. Try the following:

* Breathe deeply from your abdomen not your chest.
* Exercise, stretch to release tension on various parts of your body.
* Stay positive, remember everything has a positive side, even if it is just a lesson to be learned.
* Quit smoking if you do. I never smoked, so it was not an issue.

I hope and pray my own experience will help someone today. Please remember to do your research.

Fibro Viv


Anonymous said...

well i guess first step is to meditate

Fibro Viv said...

Sorry for the delay in response, out of pocket helping my Sis out and my hubby is in the hospital again!:(

Yes, the first step is to meditate.

I hope you have a pain free day;
