Thursday, February 28, 2008

Are you Credible?

Hello Everyone,

I have not posted for awhile. I thought I would just write a few words about credibility. I started off with my title: Are you Credible?

Credibility makes or breaks an individual. You must be honest and upfront about everything in your life. I have tried to be honest with my viewers to help them understand how difficult it is to deal with a chronic illness. This is why I share my own experience, tools, and information.

In order to start feeling good about yourself you have to learn to be honest and upfront about your illness. I know some people have had to deal with criticism, judgment and sometime even loose their jobs. In the end those that are judging them will have to deal with their actions.

It is difficult to accept we are ill, but we cannot start the healing process until we are honest about how we feel. Yes, I have heard many woman state their spouse is not listening or yells at them. Try the following:

1. Go get brochures about your illness and place it in front of them, tell them to read them.

2. Ask them, why were we married? I am suffering from an illness that many people do not understand, please take the time to try and understand what I am dealing with. If my own family does not support me, what am I to do?

3. Do not get angry, sincerity and openness while informing them lays out a solid foundation of credibility.
If your own family does not believe you, seek out friends, doctors, etc.

4. Do not make any promises you cannot keep. If you cannot do the laundry, clean the house, etc., then just let them know. Eventually they will understand and hopefully they will start helping you out.

I just want people to understand that the healing process starts with you acknowledging your illness and sharing that information with your loved ones.

I hope and pray this post has helped someone today.

Fibro Viv

Monday, February 18, 2008

Cheer You Up Award

Hello Everyone!

I just started to look at some sites and noticed I was awarded the You Cheer Me Up Award! Wow!!!

I know there are many bloggers' that make people laugh, write comforting information, and inspire us to continue on our quest to help people. I know I will miss some people, and for that I want to send my sincere apologies.

An honorable mention to the individual who started this award:

A Nice Place In The Sun



Facibus On Blogging

Speedcat Hollydale

Love is a Four-Legged Word


My Passion for Fashion!

Battling For Health

Revellian Dot Com


Snoskred's Blogroll | Snoskred - Life in the Country

terri terri quite contrary - Delightfully Demented Musings

Fighting Fatigue

Make Money Online with Rhyan

The ICI Experience

Sephy's Platzish

I just know I have missed so many, but I am late in doing this and a bit worn out. I just happen to notice I receive this award.

Pass the award to the bloggers you have an opportunity to thank for cheering you up. Here are the rules or instructions:

If you are a recipient of the You Cheer Me Up Award, please find the blogs that cheer you up, copy the code to post on your sidebar and pass Ethel and Lucy across the blogsphere. In order to do this you must go pickup the code for the award picture and leave a comment on the award post so they can add you to the list of award recipients.

Go to :
A Nice Place In The Sun.

God Bless Everyone and soft hugs to those in pain

Fibro Viv

Friday, February 08, 2008

Hello Everyone!

Sorry I've been away, I have been dealing with the flu and when you have fms/cfs, the symptoms are a million times worse! You know what I mean. My husband had to find a ride home from the hospital, just to find me at home curled up in pain, running a fever, etc. Poor baby. He was still having difficulty breathing and he had to deal with taking care of me. I just came back to life today! Mind you, I am still in pain, dealing with fever, aches, you know the rest.

The fact is I have been running on adrenalin! I had just finished babysitting my nephew, then my twin grandchildren, then I took my youngest son to Best Buy and before you knew it, I had to run home and change. You can imagine why??? Then, I took a bath, got dressed and went back to pick him up and returned home just on time to hit that ladies room. That was close!! Then my oldest son came home sick, poor baby.

The good news is, I continue to loose weight! You see....something positive always happens.:) I guess I am not posting anything helpful today...just updating you and letting you know I am not giving up. However, I may have to quit this blogging for a few months:(

Please continue to review old tips and my experience. I honestly believe it will help you gals and guys that suffer from chronic illnesses. You are not alone. Keep the faith and know that things can only get better. Really:)

Let's see...good news is I no longer have high blood pressure, I have lost weight, I am more active (exception, this week), and we have a new member in our family. Her name is Nadia. My oldest son had to have his own dog, so we gave in. I will have to take a picture of her, she is truly sweet and potty trained!:) So, you see, I have a reason to smile:)

I wish you no pain, send you soft hugs, a smile and God's Blessings:)

Fibro Viv