Monday, October 01, 2007

Update on Home Exercise Program

Hello My Fibro Friends,

I have posted the different tips on things you can do at "Your Pace." I am now going to outline how to follow these tips I posted previously:


1). Spine towels; 2-3 times a day for 10 minutes.

2). Posture scans; every 1 hour (sitting or standing).

3). Stretches: (Chose 1 every hour).

a. doorway chest stretch, 30 seconds times 2
b. prayer stretch
c. ironing board
d. shoulder blade squeeze - arms behind back
e. should blade squeeze - arms at head

4). Stabilization

a. lying on back -pelvic tilts coordinated with breathing (5 minutes)

Please remember to do this at your own pace. This exercise program helps me and sometimes I cannot do all of it. It is Okay. Just do what you can.

I hope and pray this information helps someone today:)

Fibro Viv

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