Wednesday, January 10, 2018

What You Can't Change

Hello Everyone,

I hope your new year is off to a great start. I'm looking forward to 2018 and everything it has to offer. My goal is to get back on track writing posts for this blog site. I will be including some quotes that I believe will assist all of us as we work on taking control of our health.

Here goes:

"You can't change how people feel about you, so don't try. Just live your life and be happy".

I have been reading some comments made on a different site and it saddens me when people tend to believe their self-worth is based on what others think or say. Please don't do it, I know it is a trap we all fall into at some point in our life. Try to focus on your own happiness and health and stay positive. We all have our strengths and weaknesses and that is what makes us special. So live your life and be happy.

Today's Tip: When you wake up each morning concentrate on your mood and what you want to accomplish. Imagine and picture yourself achieving your goals.

Start the day off:
  1. Completing soft stretches while still in bed
  2. Pick up that journal and use it
  3. Write down simple bullet points (nothing to elaborate)
  4. Take a warm bath and pamper yourself
  5. Try to tackle one of those short term goals
  6. Pace yourself
Things you might include in your journal:

  • How you feel (pain and fatigue levels)
  • Medications taken
  • Simple checklist indicating you are eating regularly
  • Planned appointments
  • Goals (daily)

Please remember that you are in control of your health and happiness. You control your own thoughts and emotions. Take baby steps and try to stay motivated. I'm here to cheer you on.

I hope and pray you experience a pain and fatigue free day.

With sincere wishes,

Fibro Viv

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